This workshop includes a data challenge focused on the role of advertising technology and associated data on the spread of misinformation, hate, propaganda, and related polarizing content, with a particular focus on multimodal data (e.g., images in online political advertising) and cross-national studies. Using data from the freely available Meta Ad Library, challenge participants will develop new tools, methods, and techniques to assess advertising spending on multimodal low-quality or polarizing content and construct rankings of at-risk localities where audiences are most likely to be exposed to low-quality advertising content.

More details on the challenge are forthcoming.

Data Challenge Posters

For those participating in the Data Challenge, we will ask they submit a challenge paper, which should contain the following elements:

  • A description of the solution that you are proposing
  • An evaluation of the solution
  • A discussion of the implications of your solution and results
  • We highly encourage the source code of the solution to be included with the submission (e.g., in a GitHub repository), but this is not mandatory for acceptance of a data challenge paper.

The page limit for challenge papers is 4 pages (including all figures and tables) and unlimited references. All challenge papers will be reviewed by at least two program committee members. The best data challenge paper will be awarded by the track chairs and the program committee members.

Results of the data challenge will be shared at the workshop.